Alameda Senior Magazine

Entries in Waters Edge Lodge (15)


Thank you, Mrs. Linney's Kindergarten Classes!

Residents of The Lodge at Harbor Bay were serenaded by the energetic songs of Mrs. Linney's Kindergarten class members as they joyfully ended the school year. Lodge residents and the kindergarteners' parents and teachers all had a marvelous time!



Local Resource Fair

Last Friday we had the pleasure of participating in the 17th annual San Leandro Senior Resource Fair.


There were over 65 booths present, offering a wealth of information for the community. Can't wait till next year to learn more about what is available for seniors in the community. 


Father's Day Celebration

 This past weekend, AEC Living had a Father's Day BBQ to celebrate the men in our communities. 

Our residents had their children, grandchilden, family and friends visiting for this special event.

We want to wish all of our residents and their families a Happy Father's Day! 



Come Join Us for National Senior Health and Fitness Day! 

Alameda Elder Services, a member of Alameda Elder Communities, is sponsoring Alameda's 2nd annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day Fair and we would like to invite you to attend. 

For the 21st year, hundreds of thousands of older adults throughout the US will participate in senior specific health and fitness fairs and events, and for the 2nd year Alameda is joining them.

 Come to Independence Plaza between 2 and 4pm to enjoy the FREE fair. There will be certified Personal Trainers, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, an Acupuncturist, blood pressure checks by Walgreens, and more!

                                         Wednesday May 28th, 2014

                                                       2:00-4:00 pm

                                                 Independence Plaza

                                            703 Atlantic Ave, Alameda

Make a Move Toward Better Health! Join Alameda Elder Services and Elders Village as Alameda participates in National Senior Health and Fitness Day! We're looking forward to seeing you there!


Hoppy Easter at The Lodge

The Easter Bunny was our guest of honor for the annual Easter Egg Hunt held at the Lodge on Saturday, April 12th.  Our residents, staff and their friends and families enjoyed the gorgeous Alameda spring sunshine as the children who attended searched the grounds by the Harbor Bay lagoon for brightly colored Easter eggs.  

Exchanging their eggs for a variety of prizes, all the egg-hunters were able to select their own keepsakes and toys to take home.  Everyone joined in for a game of ears or tails with Mr. Bunny and celebrated with decorated cookies and other snacks.