Alameda Senior Magazine

Entries in Alameda Elder Services (10)


Congratulations Lauren & Stephen!


Congratulations to our very own Lauren Zimmerman Cook (CEO) and Stephen Zimmerman (COO)! Last Friday, May 15th, they joined their classmates at the USC Davis School of Gerontology in graduation exercises as they BOTH received their M.A.s in Gerontology. 

Not only did they both graduate with perfect scores, they made the USC News!

Siblings, business partners and classmates

USC Davis Commencement 2015: Stephen Zimmerman & Lauren Zimmerman Cook




One of the many exciting changes coming up this year is the complete update and revision of our website. A cleaner layout with better colors is on its way! This means we are taking all new pictures (and even filming a couple of short videos!). The shooting is mostly done now, but if you stopped by for a visit this week you may have been able to witness first hand the fun that is working with a professional photography team. If these sessions caused you any complications or confusion, we apologize. We hope instead that you had as much fun watching everyone work as we did. It was at times a little hectic, but from the last minute finessing that always accompanies a big event to the actual photographs and video recording on Wednesday and Thursday, it was entertaining and thrilling to witness. Soon you will be able to see the results of all our hard work on the website, but if you're interested in seeing it sooner, come by for a visit or call and schedule a tour! 



New Year Reflections and Thanks

With the holiday season coming to a close, it is time to reflect on the good times we've had and all those who played a part in making them happen. 

Thank you to the students, Girls Scouts, and Boy Scouts who came in and spent their time with us. We enjoyed your young voices and youthful energy every time.

Thank you to our host of musicians who come every day and enrich the melodies of our lives. Music really does seem to feed the soul.

Thank you to the Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Hospice Nurses, Podiatrist, and other care providers, who come so often and help make our lives the best they can be. We may not always be in the best mood when you come, but we do so appreciate the effects of your care and ministrations.

Thank you to our volunteers. Calling BINGO, reading stories, bringing communion, leading Shabbat, and sharing your time and stories. Your smiles make our days more enjoyable.

Thank you to all the Staff of AEC Living, our co-workers and friends - our lives would be duller and more difficult without you.

And, most of all, thank you to every Resident and Family Member, working with you, living with you, spending and sharing our lives with you - we are the richer for it.



Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year again, and we want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

From our house to yours, we are thankful for all of you!


Local Resource Fair

Last Friday we had the pleasure of participating in the 17th annual San Leandro Senior Resource Fair.


There were over 65 booths present, offering a wealth of information for the community. Can't wait till next year to learn more about what is available for seniors in the community.