Alameda Senior Magazine

Entries by Denise M (23)


Whats new with AES Therapy and Fitness?



2014 Toys For Tots US Marine Corp Toy Drive

This year AEC Living again joined forces with the US Marine Corps for the 2014 Toys For Tots Toy Drive. Elders Inn, the Lodge, and our corporate office all participated. Residents of the Lodge even scheduled a group outing to Target just to shop for toys to give.

Family, friends, residents and nearby neighbors all shared the love and the joy of the holiday season by donating new toys for children in need, and this week the Marines came to pick up the overflowing boxes.




Catch the Holiday Special. 


Call and arrange a tour today! 


Happy Thanksgiving!

It's that time of year again, and we want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

From our house to yours, we are thankful for all of you!


Happy Veterans Day!

We had a great ceremony today to honor our Veterans. The local Boy Scouts guided us with The Pledge of Allegiance and then it was our pleasure to hand out certificates and Honor Veteran pens to those who served and to the spouses of those who served. 

We wouldn't be where we are today with out our Veterans. 

Thank you for your service!