Alameda Senior Magazine

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Eyes, Vision, and Aging

Come to this FREE educational event presented by Dr. Meredith Whiteside, from U.C. Berkeley School of Optometry, and learn how to take care of your eyes and protect your vision.

Everyone's vision can change with age, some changes are normal, but losing vision is not a normal part of getting older! Older adults are at higher risk of developing several age-related eye diseases and conditions.

Peet's coffee and refreshments will be provided.

Location: Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St.

Date: March 19, 2014

Time: 1 – 2 pm

To RSVP, or if you have questions about the seminar series, please call Samantha at 510-217-8527 or email

This free educational event is sponsored by Elders Village an Alameda based 501(c)(3) with funding provided by AEC.

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