Alameda Senior Magazine


Halloween is Coming!

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.

~Author Unknown

Elders Inn on Webster will be participating in the annual "Halloween on Webster Street" festivities! From noon to 4pm on Monday, October 31, 2011 Pint-sized ghosts, goblins and other assorted small creatures will invade Webster Street in Alameda! Merchants along the street will have goodies for children up to 12 years old who come trick-or-treating in costume.

*Participating merchants should have signs in their windows or doors*



AEC Supports the Village Concept

We here at Alameda Elder Communities believe strongly in the importance and value of the village movement. We think that community, and the social connectivity that used to be more prevalent when we lived in smaller villages, are essential elements to both growing old gracefully and aging successfully. With that in mind we have employees attending the 2nd Annual National Village Gathering that is taking place in Oakland this week. More and more village networks are popping up throughout the country, and we are excited to be participating in this movement.


The California Great Shake Out... and Aftershocks

Yesterday the Waters Edge Nursing Home, Waters Edge Lodge, and Elders Inn all participated in the California Great Shake Out, a State-wide disaster drill preparing for a real life earthquake disaster.At each facility residents and staff participated in the mock earthquake program.  The drill really helped inform and educate everyone here on the possible dangers of a big quake and what each individual's role and responsibility are during such a disaster.

Ironically, at around 3pm we were able to use the skills and knowledge we learned from the California Great Shake Out, when the level 4 magnitude Earthquake hit along the Hayward fault!  Luckily, it wasn't a monster quake like that of the 1989 earthquake, but it was another reminder of the threat of living in earthquake country.  But with the help of the California Great Shake Out we will be better ready if and when the big one happens.

For more information of the Great Shake Out and how to be better prepared for an earthquake go to


Wheels for Meals Ride!

What could be lovelier than a bike ride through the wine country? And if it's for a good cause then that is even better! Tomorrow, marks the 3rd Annual Wheels for Meals Ride! A selection of different routes and rides for varying skill leves, this bike ride benefits the local Meals on Wheels programs. Staff members from our community plan on being there: we hope to see you there too!

Check out more information on the ride at their website:   


Alameda Hospital's Community Health Fair!

On Saturday, Alameda Elder Services will be at Alameda Hospital's Community Health Fair! Stop on by! We will be conducting modified versions of the Senior Fitness Test and handing out mini-first aide kits (while supplies last)! Come and meet with the Administrator of Alameda Elder Services and learn about the important impact exercise and therapy can have on you as you age!