Alameda Senior Magazine


Be Prepared for the Flu, Get Vaccinated

The best way to prevent yourself from getting sick with the seasonal flu is to get your influenza shot from your local pharmacy or medical insurance provider.  Safeway, Walgreens, CVS, Kaiser Alameda, Alameda Hospital and many local pharmacies on the island have already received shipments of the vaccine and are prepared to give people in the community the influenza vaccine.

Here at Alameda Elder Communities we are doing are part to protect our staff and residents from the flu by providing flu vaccines at all of our facilities. We will be having our vaccinations for our residents and staff members at both the Waters Edge Lodge and Elders Inn on October 18th, and all week starting October 17th through the 21st at the Waters Edge Nursing Home. 




Alameda Hospital Announces the Expansion of Long Term Care

ALAMEDA, Calif., October 11, 2011 — Following the District Board Meeting
held on October 10, 2011, the City of Alameda Health Care District announces
the approval of a resolution that would allow Alameda Hospital to pursue the
expansion of its current capacity to provide long term care to the community by
subletting and operating the 120‐bed Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility under
the hospital’s license. Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility is a 5‐star facility
(top ten percent in the country) in the federal government’s nursing home rating
system, located at 2401 Blanding Avenue.
As health care reform changes the health care landscape in our community and
neighboring areas, the demand for high quality, post‐acute care services will
increase. Many providers in the East Bay are exiting long term care, allowing an
opportunity for Alameda Hospital to contract with other area providers to meet
this need. Since 1971, the Zimmerman family has successfully owned and
operated Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility, a component of Alameda Elder
Communities, providing high quality care to its residents. Alameda Elder
Communities has recently embarked on the development of a senior network
and co‐housing project, and with Alameda Hospital, is excited about this
opportunity to enhance the continuum of care for Alameda’s growing senior
population. The Zimmerman Family will continue to own and operate Alameda
Elder Communities’ two assisted living facilities, Waters Edge Lodge and Elders
Inn, as well as Alameda Elder Services, a Medicare approved rehabilitation
Alameda Hospital and the Zimmerman Family are committed to maintaining the
long tradition of high quality care provided to the residents of Waters Edge
Skilled Nursing Facility and have a unified vision for enhancing the continuum
of care for seniors in Alameda. This joint effort will provide an opportunity for
Alameda Hospital to establish an ongoing relationship with Alameda Elder
Communities as other senior services and projects develop. Financially, this
service expansion will provide Alameda Hospital an increase in revenue that will
result in a positive bottom line for the District.
Special meetings will be held for Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility
employees, residents and their families with Alameda Hospital management to
discuss the transition and to answer any questions they may have. Current
employees of Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility have provided quality care
for many years and will have the opportunity to continue to do so. Alameda
Hospital looks forward to working with the staff and health care providers who
have cared for Waters Edge patients over the years.
A date will be announced in the near future regarding a public informational
session regarding the transaction.
Alameda Hospital and the Zimmerman family are excited about this opportunity
and are committed to continuing the tradition of high quality and compassionate
care for seniors in Alameda.



Look out for your first issue of Alameda Senior Magazine!

We are pleased and proud to announce that the first issue of Alameda Senior Magazine has been published and put in the mail! Those who signed-up at one of the local street fairs to receive their issue in the mail should receive their copy any day. If you did not sign-up to be on the mailing list but wish to pick up an issue, please check around town, this FREE issue can be found in a number of places. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future issues please complete the request here.


October is Aging in Place Successfully Month!

October is Aging in Place Successfully Month! Aging in place allows one to remain living in the same environment while receiving necessary assistance and care to deal with the intricacies of growing older. Through the development of cohousing situations, the village movement, and other means, it is becoming easier for seniors to remain where they are while they age. If you are interested in learning more about Aging in Place please consider the Aging in Place Successfully class led by Elders Village beginning October 18th


We dined out for Meals on Wheels!

How often can your enjoyment of good food and dessert be an actual help to those who are hungry? At least once a year if you participate in the Dine Out for Meals on Wheels fundraiser! Yesterday afternoon Residents of the Waters Edge Lodge and Elders Inn on Webster join together over ice cream at Tucker's to help support the local Meals on Wheels organization. Then last night, staff members from all facilities came together at Tomatina's restaurant to help support the cause. A great time was had by all, and funds were raised for a good cause at the same time!