Alameda Senior Magazine


Veterans Hall Fundraiser

This Saturday and Sunday will be the annual Veterans Hall holiday fair.   The fair will be at the Veterans Hall located on 2203 Central Ave in Alameda and fundraising proceeds will go towards Alameda Meals on Wheels.


Daylight Savings Time Reminder and a Quick History Lesson

Don't forget that this weekend we all have to turn back our clocks one hour for Day Light Savings Time.  On Sunday Night at 2am, we will all have to "Fall Back" as we gain another hour.

Daylight Savings Time  (DLST) is not commonly used around the world, and even a couple states in the United States, one being Arizona do not use Daylight Savings Time.   One of our Founding Fathers, Franklin Roosevelt proposed the idea of changing time to adjust to the weinging daylight in the winter time in order to maximize the work the day.  Modern Daylight Savings was propsed in1895 by New Zelander G. V. Hudson in order to give people more leisure time during daylight after work.  However, DLST was not put into affect for another 20 years when in 1916 the Germans and their allies in WWI used the concept of DLST to minimize coal use during wartime.  It wasn't until two years after the Germans put DLST into practice, did the United States see the benefit to the time shift and from 1918 on Americans have been changing clocks twice year.



Town Hall Meeting at Alameda Hospital

Tonight starting at 7pm at Alameda Hospital on the second floor there will be a special town hall meeting about the new lease agreement between Alameda Hospital and the Waters Edge Nursing Home.  The Hospital Board and members from Alameda Elder Communities will be in attendance to go over the logistics of the lease agreement and will answer questions from the public.  The hospitals address is 2070 Clinton Ave, Alameda, California 94501.


Halloween Carnival Enjoyed By AEC Residents, Family, and Staff!

The First Annual AEC Halloween Carnival was a blast.  Staff from all three facilities and residents from the Elders Inn and Waters Edge Lodge came out to celebrate Halloween.  Residents; grandchildren and Staff members' children came out dressed in their Halloween costumes and participated in a variety of games.  The cup cake walk and the costume contest were a big hits at the party!  Here are some pictures of the event. 



Ella Ruth Parker in her Halloween attire


Josh and Lauren with their ladybug Abigail


Residents of the Waters Edge Lodge and Kryspin particpating in the Cupcake Walk

Children smiling and having a good time at the Waters Edge Lodge

Adelwisa and her Family dressed up and ready for Halloween.



Happy Halloween!


This last Saturday, October 29th, Waters Edge Lodge played host to Alameda Elder Communities' first Annual Halloween Carnival! Open to Residents, Families, and Staff of all Alameda Elder Communities member facilities, our first Halloween Carnival was a spook-tacular success! Some highlights are below:


We hope your hauntings this evening are as enjoyable as our afternoon was on Saturday!

Don't forget to stop by Elders Inn for trick-or-treating today

between noon and 4pm!