Alameda Senior Magazine


Alameda Elder Services gets a new therapy partner!

Alameda Elder Services is proud to announce that with the beginning of the new year, Select Therapies is now our new therapy service partner!

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Let Us Welcome The Year of the Dragon

We will be having a special celebration on Friday

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Commemorating Martin Luther King Jr.

o honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Americans are asked to make Jan. 16 a

“day on, not a day off.”

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Introducing the "Ugli" fruit

If you're not a fan of grapefruit, Ugli fruit is a good substitute! The Ugli fruit was found growing in Jamaica and is available from December through April (sometimes in the Fall!). It is a citrus fruit created by hybridizing grapefruit, orange, tangerine, and perhaps pomelo. In addition, it's easier to know if Ugli is at its ripest-- its skin color and texture will tell you! If its skin color is still greenish and wrinkled, it's not ripe yet. It is ripe when its skin color is orange and its texture is smoother. It may look Ugli on the outside but it taste like a ripe navel orange on the inside.  


Most importantly, it is an excellent source of VITAMIN C!!!


A Healthy & Fit New Year!

Did you know that the average American gains approximately 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and  the new year? While the holiday season is often very rewarding, the less than healthy holiday season diet and decrease in physical activity can be particularly problematic for the older adult and lead to decreased cardiac function, increased arthritic pain, weakened muscles, and lower energy levels.

A great way to invest the renewed vigor that often comes with the start of the new year is in personal training. At Alameda Elder Services we offer personal training specifically designed for the older adult. Working with a personal trainer is a tremendous experience, you receive one on one guidance during your workout, periodic revisions to your workout program to help ensure results, and someone to motivate you toward achieving your goals, whatever they may be.

If you're interested in having a little help (or your own cheering team) as you work to reach your fitness goals this year, please contact us at Alameda Elder Services - we'd love to work out with you!