Alameda Senior Magazine

Entries by Cheryl C. (31)


Big BINGO at the Lodge with the Alameda Boys & Girls Club 


BINGO balls were spinning as Lodge residents played BIG BINGO with the assistance of Alameda Boys & Girls Club members.  Activities coordinator Seven called the numbers and everyone had a great time!


Celebrating America's Independence with the Urquhart Community Band

The Urquhart Community Band serenaded the residents of Elders Inn and Waters Edge Lodge with performances at both assisted living communities operated by AEC Living.  The residents, staff and guests enjoyed the rousing patriotic songs that the band played.


Kindergarten singers at The Lodge

Waters Edge Lodge residents enjoyed the spirited singing of the kindergarten pupils from Amelia Earhardt School this week.  Thanks to the students, teachers and parents who helped make this event possible!


Tea Parties at Alameda Elder Communities

Residents and their guests celebrated the women in their lives at an afternoon tea party. Waters Edge Lodge held their tea party on Saturday, May 3rd and the Elders Inn tea was Sunday, May 4th.  A delightful selection of pastries, cookies, scones and mini sandwiches were served to complement the tea.  More than sixty women tipped their tea cups in honor of their favorite females.


Hoppy Easter at The Lodge

The Easter Bunny was our guest of honor for the annual Easter Egg Hunt held at the Lodge on Saturday, April 12th.  Our residents, staff and their friends and families enjoyed the gorgeous Alameda spring sunshine as the children who attended searched the grounds by the Harbor Bay lagoon for brightly colored Easter eggs.  

Exchanging their eggs for a variety of prizes, all the egg-hunters were able to select their own keepsakes and toys to take home.  Everyone joined in for a game of ears or tails with Mr. Bunny and celebrated with decorated cookies and other snacks.