Groundbreaking for Phoenix Commons!

The first shoveful of dirt from the construction of Phoenix Commons, the Bay area's innovative new senior cooperative cohousing project being built on the Oakland waterfront, was dug on Thursday, January 9th. Alameda Elder Communities CFO Lauren Zimmerman-Cook, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and Oakland City Councilman Noel Gallo led the ceremony as friends, family, employees and prospective residents celebrated the project's groundbreaking.
Lauren and her father, Alameda Elder Communities CEO Chris Zimmerman are principals of Elder Village Development, the development company for Phoenix Commons, which will join the family of Alameda Elder Communities properties, including two assisted living residences; Waters Edge Lodge at Harbor Bay and Elders Inn on Webster, and Alameda Elder Services, a Medicare-approved provider of physical, occupational, and speech therapy, to accomodate the diverse needs of Bay area seniors as they age.
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