Alameda Senior Magazine

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Let's celebrate Grandparents Day (and Week!!)

Grandparents Day is celebrated in the United States each year on the second Sunday in September. This year, we will celebrate it on September 8th. 
National Grandparents Day began due to the innovative work of two committed and passionate
pioneers: Jacob Reingold and Marian McQuade. During the 1961 White House Conference on Aging,
Jacob Reingold of the Hebrew Home at Riverdale in New York was inspired by a speech concerning
the “new image of the aged” and focused on recognizing the role of millions of older Americans who
are grandparents. The first official celebration was in 1963.
An organization called Generations United wants everyone to Do Something Grand on Grandparents Day, Sept. 8th, during the week following (which they call "Grandparents Week"), and all year long!
Generations United has created a Take Action guide that encourages grandparents to celebrate by sharing their wisdom, youth and children to connect and serve their grandparents and older adults in the community, and by planning intergenerational activism projects.  For more information, click here

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