Alameda Senior Magazine


Alameda Elder Services, a Medicare-approved Outpatient Rehabilitation agency offers Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapies at their offices located at the Elders Inn on Webster. Unlike other rehabilitation programs, Alameda Elder Services specializes in working with the Elderly. Our Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists are specially trained to work with older adults, working hard to maintain an individual's independence, allowing him or her to function at the highest possible level. Alameda Elder Services is the only Rehabilitation agency in Alameda that specializes exclusively in the Senior population. Services include:

Physical Therapy

We offer therapy for

• Balance and fall prevention

• Pain management

• Back, neck and joint problems, including arthritis

• Neurological problems such as stroke and Parkinson’s 

• General weakness and frailty

• Urinary incontinence


Occupational Therapy

Our therapists can work to improve skills with

• Dressing

• Toileting

• Transfers

• Wheelchair management

• Energy conservation


 Speech Therapy 

Our therapists help individuals with

• Speech and language concerns

• Eating and swallowing problems

• Cognitive Therapy to help with memory and information retention

 Come find out what Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy can do for you. For more information about Alameda Elder Services' rehabilitation programs or to schedule and appointment, please call: 510.748.0158.