Alameda Senior Magazine


One of the keys to successful aging is staying active.  Without a regular exercise program, the average person over the age of 50 will lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per year. At Alameda Elder Services, we are committed to keeping Seniors healthy and living at their highest possible level of functioning.  

"I am a 90 year old senior who not only benefits from, but actually enjoys participating in, exercise classes.  Rosemarie is a skilled professional and seems to have that magic feel and touch for striking just the right level for each class." ~ AJM


The goal of our Fitness Department is to help individuals increase their general level of health and fitness. Most fitness experts recommend that all adults, including Seniors, engage in moderately intense physical exercise 30-45 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week. Our exercise program is designed to meet the specific needs of the elderly, promoting heart health, bone density, muscle strength and an improved level of endurance. Some research also suggests that exercise can also decrease risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and certain types of cancer. 

Alameda Elder Services offers the following programs to Seniors living in the community: 

  • Senior Fitness Testing: The Senior Fitness Test is a nationally recognized test that assesses strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance. These key areas are critical for maintaining the ability to do normal activities of daily living.  Individual test results can be compared to national norms for age and gender.  The test takes 20-30 minutes to administer and provides the information necessary to help tailor a fitness program to an individual's particular needs.


  • Group Exercise Classes: Our group exercise classes emphasize general strengthening, cardiovascular training, and balance work.  Group classes offer the advantage of working out with other people in a safe and fun setting. These group classes are available to all Residents of Elders Inn and the Lodge. Classes are also available to outside participants. Please contact us for details.



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