Elders Inn on Webster offers assisted living services on a more intimate scale than many facilities with similar resources.
Residents in the assisted living section of Elders Inn on Webster receive:
- Basic meal service, including:
- 3 meals per day in one of the dining rooms
- Snacks available at 10am and 2pm daily
- Catering to Physician prescribed diets
- 2 loads of personal laundry per week;
- Weekly housekeeping;
- Weekly linen changes;
- Local phone service;
- Basic cable television service;
- Basic transportation, including round trip to one free medical or dental appointment in Alameda monthly;
- Activity program within the facility and planned excursions outside of the facility;
- Supervision and monitoring of activities of daily living;
- Twice weekly showers;
- Assistance with dressing and grooming morning and night;
- Inventory and ordering of medications;
- Assistance with the taking of prescribed medications; and,
- Observation, care, and supervision as required by regulatory agencies.