About Us
Alameda Elder Communities is a group of three independently operated facilities and a rehabilitation agency – each developed by the Zimmerman Family to serve the needs of the Elderly in the East Bay.
The mission of Alameda Elder Communities is to allow Residents to “age in place” while helping them to achieve the greatest possible level of self-sufficiency.
The three facilities: Waters Edge Skilled Nursing Facility, Waters Edge Lodge and Elders Inn complement each other creating a continuum of care from assisted living to skilled nursing. The addition of Alameda Elder Services and the rehabilitation agency allows Alameda Elder Communities to assist all Elders in the local community to achieve their highest level of independence.
The continuum of care provided by these three facilities allows Residents to move between the three levels of care as needed. Our primary goal is to provide a loving, nurturing and supportive environment that promotes optimum physical, mental and spiritual well-being. We strive to rehabilitate and/or maintain Residents at the highest level of functioning at which they are capable of obtaining. The Residents are to be treated with dignity and respect at all times and in all circumstances. The quality of care is equal for all Residents regardless of the method of payment for their care.
We are dedicated to providing the best Eldercare to our Residents. Our care is provided without discrimination as to age, disability, race, color, national origin, religion, gender or sexual orientation.